Monday, December 21, 2009


I never get tired of watching fate work her magic but I've also become aware that we decide whether or not to volunteer for the mistress' show. And as I continue to put my hand up, she continues to bring me into the light of fantastic things that I hadn't imagined before.

I was at a Christmas party with a bunch of average folk like myself the other night...local shopowners, an FBI agent, a school teacher, dance instructor, antique store proprietor, some retirees, and a guy that delivers furniture. Conversations happened between every group, one after another, exchanges of goodwill, queries about work, background, etc. Half way through the evening it was time for me to talk to the furniture delivery guy. So be it.

What do you do? Where are you from? Oh, you own a church?...interesting. We went to see what all of the other guests referred to as 'the most amazing living space you'll see in your life' and honestly, I had my doubts... I was wrong to doubt them. It was truly an UNBELIEVABLE space. Thousands upon thousands of antiques overflowing from well defined spaces in a huge church. Trunks, antiques, chairs, disco balls, suitcases with bulbs protruding from them that actually lit, all hanging from the ceilings. Candlelit piles of treasures stashed on walls and in corners like monuments to the bizarre, mannequins in tubs, ladders suspending art...the ARTWORK!!! Oh, and a STAGE. It was truly an OMG experience.

The strange thing to me was that I have been scouting for a place remotely similar to this one for an upcoming video shoot and I presumed that I would find something acceptable in a far-away place that we could dress up to fit the bill...but this is complete...and it's in my hometown. So then I pop the question...can I shoot in here? Turns out he's been looking for years for a way to immortalize the space and all of his hard work and vision. Waiting for some nutcase like me to come along. I'm your man.

Tonight I photographed the space for the film director, and actors. The proprietor and I discussed our chance meeting. Shortly before both of us headed to the party where we met, we each had second thoughts about going. Neither of us were sure the other would be interesting to talk to...

And the lady just continues to invite us in.

Be sure to raise your hand.

lotsa love

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